Optimize Clarity CSS

VMware’s Clarity provides very nice and clean styles to typical HMTL components. In this topic we will focus only the CSS section of Clarity that can be used with vanilla JS, without the Angular components. It suits well if you want a common look and feel across your site or app, similarly to Twitter’s Bootstrap. Now there is small problem, the range of components the CSS covers is a lot, and even minified it is ~770KB. But for a small and medium websites most likely you would use just a fraction of what the whole library can provide. Read More

Good Vibe

I am happy to announce that very recently I released my first skill for Amazon Alexa called “Good Vibe“. It’s one project that I built from an idea to it’s current state for about a month in my free hours after work. I definitely learned a lot of things in my effort to create a public service like it, and I would like to cover the highlights for it.

The idea

The idea came very recently after I bought an Amazon Echo device, I was looking for a similar skill that I can program how to respond with text or audio on specific queries. I wanted to get my hands dirty on developing a skill for Alexa.

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